Friday, December 25, 2009

Screencap Recaps

I know there are a lot of TV recap blogs out there, for all of your TV needs. I'm creating another one. What I do is a little bit different, though... Screencap Recaps!

I started doing these a while back on Livejournal, and my recap of a 90s Scottish serial starring David Tennant (Takin' Over the Asylum)made me a bit LJ-famous (which is like being the coolest kid in nerd camp, but whatever). I stumbled across those old posts today and thought I could make a blog out of it.

So, with the winter TV break in full swing, I'll come back in January with fresh Screencap Recaps of my favorite shows as they start the spring season.

I'll probably start out slow, but I would like to include:

How I Met Your Mother
Burn Notice

...and maybe others, eventually.

But, seeing as how it is Christmas and despite the snarky comment about LJ above, I am a nerd, I am going to start with the final Doctor Who special (well, the final Doctor Who special wherein the Doctor does not resemble a teen vampire). The first part airs in the good old U.S. of A. on BBCAmerica, Saturday, December 26 (i.e., tonight).

Look for a recap of Doctor Who: The End of Time, Part I by Monday morning. I hope you enjoy, I know I will.

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